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Respect is build with consistency
is build with consistency
Relation is build with consistency
is build with consistency
Reliance is build with consistency
is build with consistency
Trust is build with consistency
is build with consistency
is build with consistency
is build with consistency

Quality is not an act, it is a habit.


About ous

Our story started in 2014! We are a group of people who perfectly understand each other, have extensive experience in the IT sector, and who decided join forces and build a strong team. Our operations are based on experience, expertise, courage, and reliability.

Our team is group of specialists with long-standing experience and know-how in the sphere of comprehensive implementation of solutions for business software quality.


Test Automation

Automation and robotisation is the main speciality of TESTCASE!
Have you ever thought about the benefits you can derive from test automation? These are just a few:

  • the possibility of fast and efficient verification after uploading software changes and bug fixes,
  • prompt feedback,
  • significantly improved test coverage - thanks to their speed, automated tests may be deployed simultaneously for multiple input parameters,
  • reduction of unit costs incurred on test performance,
  • the possibility of comprehensive and user-friendly analysis of test results,
  • reduced need to engage testers in test implementation,
  • the possibility to increase the number of repeated tests, at a shorter time.

Our services

We provide services in the sphere of handling the whole or a part of a testing process.

We focus on a precise presentation of the real image of a product to our clients, and on the improvement of its quality at each stage of the software development life cycle.

The accuracy and reliability of our test process determine the quality of IT systems, provide information on their level, and constitute the basis for a decision on launching a given application in a production environment.

We treat every client individually.

Cooperation Models

Our experience has also allowed us to adapt cooperation models to the ones which are the most desired, and which ensure prompt access to specialists, and at the same time provide “as little as, and as much as” required competences.

We have two convenient support models, fixed price and time&material.

This gives an opportunity to cater for our client's specific needs, and to optimise the methods of project delivery, both as part of the classic waterfall model, and the Agile model, which is dominating the industry today.

We employ several dozen consultants who represent a full range of skill profiles in the sphere of QA.

Based on our experience, we know which roles are essential in carrying out a particular type of tasks.


Software testing automation

Software tests and application tests are necessary activities which need to be taken while a given project is being implemented. Software test automation allows the optimisation of project costs, and guarantees a whole range of benefits which are advantageous to every business. Of course, software testing is not the only factor affecting quality, but it is surely a vital component of quality which our team endeavours to ensure. 

As regards testing mobile applications and software, Testcase has performance tests, functional tests, and security tests in its portfolio, but most of all our company provides automation solutions aimed to ensure a faster, less expensive and more effective achievement of the set objective entailing project implementation.

Depending on the specific nature of given software, we adapt our methods to previously agreed requirements, so that our Clients are guaranteed full satisfaction from the obtained results. The software testing methods we have developed include a strategic approach which combines the knowledge we have gained over the years with an innovative frame of mind, thanks to which we are able to take up any task. The combination of the two things has also resulted in the fact that, despite our sentiment to traditional quality assurance methods, we decided to choose the path of automation and robotisation, which have become the core of our company’s operations.

We provide the testing of mobile apps, desktop and web applications, as well as other types of software, and thanks to applying appropriate tools, the experience gained, our knowledge, and the ability to think outside the box, our IT experts are able to ensure full support to our clients at every stage of project delivery, and facilitate maximum exploitation of the potential hidden in a given project.

The advantages of software testing automation

The main advantages which can be derived from software testing automation include, among others:

  • reduced testing costs and improved effectiveness;
  • shorter duration of test cycles, or their increased frequency;
  • the possibility to run tests which are not possible to be performed manually;
  • faster provision of feedback about software quality;
  • reduced need to engage testers, after test implementation;
  • increased reliability of systems.

Our participation in numerous events related to the QA sector, has allowed us to develop our skills and expand knowledge, which we can successfully translate into cooperation with our Clients. Quality Assurance on our part is a guarantee of protection against loss, which is particularly important, both to us and our Clients.

The software testing services we provide, adapted to the changing market, are proof that it is possible to streamline your business with the use of the right methods, knowledge and innovative thinking, and our individual approach to every project facilitates full support to our Clients at every stage of development, guaranteeing satisfaction with the obtained effect.

Check what we have for you, and we will analyse your project and suggest the most optimal solution, adapted to its specific nature.


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Wesołych Świąt!
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A well-integrated team, which approaches each new challenge with great engagement and passion, is our most important asset, and the greatest success! We never take a break from the continuous development process, and we are willing to welcome new employees on board!

Write to:

Manual tests

If you have basic experience in manual testing, if you have found your place in the IT environment, and you are looking for new challenges - contact us!

Technical tests

If Jenkins, Java, SQL are words you enjoy hearing every day, and you have the ISTQB CTFL/CTAL certificate - feel free to apply!

Test Manager

Do you have experience in managing a team? Is developing test strategies and plans not a problem to you? Are the problems encountered during the project a challenge, not an obstacle? Write to us - you are just the Test Manager we need!

Junior Tester

If you think that testing can become your passion, you know what ISTQB is, and you have made your first steps in testing - write to us!




Testcase Sp. z o.o.

Al. Solidarności 117/207, 00-140 Warszawa

VAT Number: 521-366-81-73


Okopowa 58/72, 01-042 Warszawa ,

Klif Tower - IV piętro

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